Saturday, January 29, 2011


Tonight my husband took all three of us girls to Olive Garden for supper and I got stuffed! After my 7.13 mile run today I was starving and I still have 500 calories left for today. I am tired though so I may just get to bed considering Chad and my oldest daughter are both asleep on the couch already.

What is your little victory today?


running fashion

This post isn't really a victory, just info:

When I first started running I wore 3 generic running bras layered to keep from giving myself a black eye. I started at size 42 DD but, of course, over the time I have lost weight, my bra size has changed to now--34 DD. I get asked a lot about what kind of running bra I wear so here it is.  I wear the champion brand, powerback sports bra. Available in sizes 32 C to 42 DD. I love this bra, most sports bras just smoosh the breasts so you are left with a mono-boob. Not pretty by any means. This bra is perfect because it actually lifts and separates and holds them in place for high impact sports.

Pictured here is almost everything I wear while I run. 
Champion brand powerback Sports bra
champion brand tank top
new balance hydro belt
head band
asics shoes
towel my wonderful friend Maria put an 'H' on for my birthday a few years ago
(not pictured)
iPhone with headphone for music (because I used it to take the picture)
spandex pants (because I forgot)
and of course, Harley

What is your little victory today?


Friday, January 28, 2011

reality check

I should know better than to get wrapped up in the number on the scale. My "big news" that I was hoping to post tonight was that I had reached my goal of 50lbs loss so far, but instead I gained this week. I really should know better, I have tracked my weight every Friday for over a year and consistently I have lost one week and either had a small gain or no change the next week and lost double the following week. Get ready for TMI, I retain water the week of my period and ovulation so in all actuality I might lose every week but not have it show on the scale due to water retention. I stopped weighing at the end of the year with the busyness of the holidays and just started back to it the first of January.

I guess I was just expecting a miracle.

Anyways, I'd had no confidence in the LoseIt! program when I started so I had not taken any before pictures until January 30, 2010. So here is my picture......

This week is still a win.

Days like today I need to remember that I LOVE me, and I need to be nice.

What is your little victory today?


Thursday night madness

Apparently I don't have time to update on Thursday nights so I won't worry too much about it, but here is my victory from Thursday....

unexpected questions.

Part of the application process for nursing school is asking five people to write a recommendation letter. I sent out all of my requests back in November and I got a message to come pick up the last one on Thursday. I went over to talk to my chemistry teacher and pick up the letter he had written for me and he said, "wow, you're losing weight aren't you?" I have talked with him about my weight loss before, but not in much detail. I have learned to answer questions quickly and not press too much for a response unless I am asked for more, but he confessed that he would like to lose some weight and wanted to know more about how to do it safely. I am always blown away when I have a teacher ask ME questions. You grow up thinking that teachers have all the answers, but teachers are just people. Wonderful people who specialize in what they are passionate about, but we all have room for improvement.

the more I learn about nutrition the more I want to learn and teach!

anyways, Hopefully I will have a big post tonight with big news!

What is your little victory today?


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

No guns in school

Yesterday at school one of the micro students looked SO familiar so I asked her for her name... didn't recognize it, but she said I looked vaguely familiar. A few minutes later it clicked, I asked if she had Dr. H____ for intro to chemistry and she had. At first I was surprised that she didn't recognize me, and I started really thinking about it. What did I look like a year and half ago? 

It's hard for me to say it, but I was beautiful..... just different from now for sure. 

Victory, for me. 

What is your little victory today?


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

good girls

Tonight I took my children with me to Open House at the nursing school I plan to attend for my degree. I was so proud of how well behaved they were. The recruiter even made a comment about how wonderful they were. No big decisions were made about nursing school after going to the open house, expect that I am more excited about it. I am now thinking I am about a year or more away from starting instead of starting in August like I had thought I might be able to do.

My little victory tonight is just having great children. They make all of this worth it for me to live a healthier life and set a good example for them.

What is your little victory today?


Monday, January 24, 2011

Nerd at Heart!

As I mentioned last week school started again and we are talking about the heart in my A&P 2 class. Well, this weekend, we had set out a whole chicken from our freezer to thaw but never got around to cooking it for supper, so I was stuck skinning the chicken all by myself tonight. Usually my husband does all the really messy stuff in the kitchen so I don't have to, but I actually kind of enjoyed it tonight. I took all of the innards out of the chicken and inspected the heart. I took my kitchen scissors out and cut into it and looked at the inside. It was fascinating and I only gagged once. I'm proud of myself for that, and I got lots of studying and laundry done today, too.

I did talk with a friend today that I haven't talked to in a while. He is a runner too, but he hasn't done much running lately, just got wrapped up in life. I think he may join the West Texas Running Club with me and I am excited about that. He is the person who encouraged me to get the nike+. Being the crafty hooker mommy that I am, I crocheted a pouch to put my nike+ sensor in. I attached a tiny binder clip and  attached it to the front of my shoe.

Last year I ran a lot of miles using nike+ but this year I am really liking runkeeper..... it's fun to see the differences between this year and last year.

Today my little victory was finally filling out the paperwork to join the West Texas Running Club. It will go in the mail in the morning!

What is your little victory today?


Sunday, January 23, 2011

new distances

I posted last night that I didn't get to run, but I got out today with Harley and we ran our longest distance yet, 7.23 miles. I really like running on Sunday afternoon, the air smells like laundry. We ran over the loop again, here's a picture from the top of the loop. 

Lubbock sure is flat, but we have lots of sky.

Anyways, Harley had fun, but at the end of the first mile I ran across some uneven gravel and thought I might have to call my husband to come rescue me. I kept going and just walked for a little while until my ankle stopped hurting so bad, but I was scared I really broke something. 

I got home and also noticed that I have, what looks like, a rash on the front of both of my legs. I think my new shoes don't like me very much......

Running is kicking my butt.

What is your little victory today?


Saturday, January 22, 2011

new friends

Last night I received a message on my facebook account from someone asking me to send a friend request on the LoseIt! app. The message stated, "I just saw your Before and After Pics, (on LoseIt's facebook page) you're an Inspiration". After accepting the friend request she sent me a few messages, they were so touching! 
I keep looking at your picture, it is keeping me motivated, your Bio brought tears to my eyes, because I feel exactly that way and I hope to have a similiar story in the end. I have finally realized my weight is holding me down and is affecting my life, that isn't what I want for myself or my Family. I want to be a Role Model for my Children. I want to be Happy again, I want to control food, not let it control me.

I remember feeling this way in the beginning of my journey, and I still have my moments. I have days that I go way over budget, but I have learned to just accept it, and move on. Shit happens.... and on days like today, I just accept it.

I have made a plan to run every Tuesday and Thursday on the treadmill and run outside on Saturdays when my husband is at home to watch the kids. I got up this morning with big plans of running my longest distance today, but instead we worked on the house. Moved half of the kitchen cabinetry out and laid new tiles down in the kitchen floor. I am sure I burned calories, but I sure was looking forward to an hour and a half of just listening to music and the sound of my feet pounding on the pavement. Tomorrow, I will run, but tonight I am enjoying the feedback I have received today. 

I feel honored to have so many people send me messages with thanks with specifics about what has effected them. I am learning how I can better help my friends and hopefully that will help me in my career as a nurse. 

If you would like to read my bio, check it out HERE.

My weight loss photos are all available HERE

What is your little victory today?


Friday, January 21, 2011

Student id

Everyday, I think what will be my victory today. I don't plan ahead, I just try to listen and wait. Today was not any different.

Today I went to work in the microbiology lab, but it was a slow day.

I poured about 100 plates.... it was nice being back in the lab, with my germy friends. 

I thought all day, what is my victory today, with no epiphanies. by the end of the work day I didn't have enough work to keep me busy so I wandered the campus and finished some errands that I had been needing to complete for a while..... I went over to administration and picked up an updated transcript for my nursing school application, student services to update my parking pass then another department I can''t remember to update my student ID. My ID is from my first semester back to school since I got married and had kids....

THIS, is my little victory today!

When I walked in and handed over my old ID the clerk said, "WOW!" 

What is your little victory today?



I went to bed early last night, which is a little victory all on its own, but unfortunately I didn't post anything last night so here it is.....

my victory yesterday was feedback.

I have received lots of messages over the last year from friends and family about how my story and success has motivated others around me but yesterday was just one more wonderful reminder of the impact I have had on my friends. One friend in particular posted a picture of herself with her pants pulled aside and a thumbs up and smile, showing a gap in her waistband... She has lost 65 lbs since August, I couldn't be happier for her. She told me that I was part of her inspiration which is always nice to hear. I am thankful for my friends giving me feedback.

Thanks girl! I'm proud of you!!!

What is your little victory today?


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

long and lean

One of my goals with my weightloss has been to get fit. I grew up a dancer and never had trouble with my weight until I graduated from high school and moved out on my own. In high school I walked to my grandmother's house every day for lunch and I had two dance classes twice a week, but I still hated high school. I graduated at 16 and moved out of my parents house my first semester of college when I was 17 and I started working at IHOP. I can't blame the places I worked for my weight, but I think it definitely didn't help for me to go from a fatty food restaurant to a desk job in a bank call center. I quickly packed on the pounds and went from a slim 115 to 140 in just about a year. I didn't think it was that bad until I started noticing the stretch marks all over my body. I was covered in a road map, but still felt like I had no direction. One of these days I may get brave enough to post a picture of my stretch mark scars, but not today.
Today, I feel I am on the right track to being (as close as I can get to) long and lean. I am short, 4'11" so long will have to be imagined, but I will try to keep my expectations relative to my size. Anyways, I started doing the EA active so I can get some resistance training in to my routine. After a year of running I finally feel like I am starting to get back my dancer's body..... er, um, runner's body? Anyways, victory!

What is your little victory today?


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Follow your heart

Today was the first day back to college for me. This semester I am taking Anatomy & Physiology 2 and our first topic of discussion is the heart, such a fascinating organ. There is a lot that goes in to protecting our hearts. Besides the obvious, the rib cage, there is also 3 layers around the heart. It seems that good things come in threes like Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Three opportunities to make smarter, heart healthy choices such as whole grains, beans and legumes, nuts, fatty fish and colorful fruits and vegetables all offering heart-protective phytonutrients. I spent the first few months of my weight loss journey making choices to completely overhaul my meal planning so every meal would be healthier for everyone in my family. I have tried to pay more attention in recent months to my own personal intake of fiber, and protein. 

According to the Lose It! book we should all strive to evenly distribute our calorie intake with complex carbs taking up 45-65%, fats 20-35% and protein 10-35% and with an overall intake of 20-35 grams of fiber (minimum 21g for women, 30 grams for men). I have managed to get my fiber intake to about 30 grams of fiber everyday for the last seven weeks and this year I have definitely maintained the even spread on calories. 

The most fascinating thing I learned about the heart today: in life, we have to consciously make choices about what our priorities are, but your heart is set up to automatically take care of itself first. The heart is the first part of the body that gets oxygen, kind of like on an airplane when they tell you to put the oxygen mask on yourself before you put one on your baby. One of the hardest lessons I have had to learn is to take care of myself or I wont to be in the right shape to take care of those around me and yet again I am thankful my body is set up to make some of those choices for me. 

I decided to share my food log from today, just in case you are curious about what I am eating, and YES, that is just over 35 grams of fiber today, and here is my run data from tonight, 4.48 miles. 

Today, just like everyday for the last year, my little victory is making decisions that have helped me to become healthier. 

What is your little victory today?


Monday, January 17, 2011

Pass it on!

Today was a school holiday so we went to a play date with our church group at McDonalds. I think I have made peace with my McDonalds hatred since I have stopped eating out at any restaurant. The conversations were great this morning. One of my friends has been a devoted Weight Watchers member but, after my testimony she has been using the LoseIt! app since Thanksgiving and she has lost 8 lbs. I am thrilled to hear success stories from my friends, but this definitely helped me to feel better about driving them all nuts with my talking about losing. I actually heard her say, "that food is too expensive" referring to the cost on her calorie budget. I love hearing other people say the same words I have thought before.

After the play date I took the girls to Toys R Us to spend their Christmas gift cards and while we were there I looked at the price of the Wii game, EA active 2.... $100!! The girls picked out their toys and we left to run one more errand before going home. Our next stop at Sam's I bought the game for $60 with free ankle weights... After lunch, we turned the game on and spent about an hour going through the first workout and adding a core workout. I was proud to see my daughters doing situps and getting excited about running with mommy.

Today my little victory is getting the people around me almost as excited as I am about taking control of our lives with healthy eating and exercise.

What is your little victory today?


Sunday, January 16, 2011


Tonight was church for the first time this year. Each week that I went last year, I "splurged" calories on pink lemonade, but this year I have decided to make a big effort to not drink my calories, especially when the actual calorie content is a mystery. I decided, instead, to bring a diet caffeine-free Dr. Pepper with me from home and just pour it over ice at the service. When I took the first drink I realized it was not Diet, I had accidently purchased a case of caffeine-free regular Dr. Pepper (150 calories per can). I poured half of it, drank and enjoyed it, and tossed the rest in the trash. I will take the remaining 11 sodas to school and leave the box in the employee lounge in hopes that someone will take it off my hands. Sometimes things happen that are out of your control, but you have to just roll with the punches and pick yourself back up and keep going. Days like today, when my friends are afraid to eat in front of me, that I might tell them about the nutritional (or lack of) content in what they are eating and I am asked about high calorie foods my answer is always the same, "I budget for it". Just like the accommodation I had to make tonight, given, it was a small adjustment, but it would be the same in any situation.

I enjoyed the sermon but felt it didn't speak to me tonight. I actually brought a bible and spent most of the time trying to find the passage being read (thank you Angela, for trying to help me). Even with the distraction, I still feel like I walked away tonight with a good lesson. I talked with a friend, a mentor and teacher, and I realized that even she is fighting an internal battle, unfortunately no one is immune to this little voice. Some people seem to have it "all together" but still we all have our doubts as to whether we are doing the right thing. Some days the biggest struggle is acceptance. Forgive and forget and move on. This applies to relationships with other people, but most importantly, I think we have to forgive ourselves and move on. I made a mistake, I owned up to it, now I want to move on and make a plan to do better at the next opportunity...

I am thankful that I have so many wonderful people in my life, who help to support me, no matter what. Three people approached me about weight loss today, one of them was the checker at the grocery store. I try to make every opportunity a teaching moment because I learn best when I talk with someone else. I have learned so much, just from answering questions from my friends. Today I am thankful for acceptance, and most of all I appreciate my wonderful family.

This is today's little victory... A note from my 6-year-old daughter. I will translate. "For mommy, a picture of you running".... "Grandbob".... "you"

Here is a picture of me and my dad "Grandbob" after our first 5k race together July, 2010.

What is your little victory today?


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Buddy Love

So many victories today...

When it started getting colder I went to the store to buy some pants for running but I didn't try them on at the store... just assumed they would fit. When I got home I tried them on and realized they were spandex. I wear them when I run on the treadmill but today I put them on and wore them out on the road!!! I felt like Buddy Love on the nutty professor leaving the house in spandex. I reached another wonderful milestone today too, I ran my longest distance ever, 6.32 miles with Harley again. He is a great running partner, we traveled down a road full of construction today. I was just running in the blocked off lane, but I realized the highway was closed, so we moved up and ran on the highway. It was awesome, we even found a "hill" on the overpass. It was at the tail end of the run so I didn't hit it with very much enthusiasm but it was fun anyways.

What is your little victory today?


Friday, January 14, 2011

happy surprises

I came to a startling realization today, I am happy.

I am not surprised that I am happy, but just how far I have come in one year. I was so unhappy with everything in my life a year ago and now it all seems to flow. I used to feel pulled in every direction except the one I wanted. Taking care of the kids, cleaning house, working on school stuff, laundry, grocery shopping.... I was always busy but it seemed I didn't have time to do anything I wanted to do. The day that I made the decision to put myself as a priority everything improved. Suddenly, I wanted to take care of myself. My wonderful husband has stepped up and taken over some of my household chores and I have had a really hard time with letting go, but I truly feel supported. The people in my life are on board with helping me to be a better person because I am making the effort to take care of myself.

Today's victory is support. I feel like I have a community around me that supports my decisions and efforts to be a healthier person.

Thank you for my brother's support today and watching my daughter while I took the entrance exam for nursing school. I passed and will turn in my applications to two nursing schools next week.

What is your little victory today?


Thursday, January 13, 2011

A year of little victories

People ask about my weight loss all the time, I love answering questions about it because I want people to know there is a realistic solution that does not involve shakes, or pills or killing yourself at the gym. Science! I love science, I am such a nerd. I am studying to be a nurse, working on the few pre-requisites I have left before I start nursing school, hopefully in Spring 2012. In my studying I have learned about nutrition, as kind of a passion of mine. I love to learn about what makes stuff work, this past semester in Anatomy & Physiology 1, I learned the science behind what actually makes a muscle contract, once it clicked I thought, "wow, I'm so glad I don't have to make a conscious effort to do make my muscles work, it just works." That's how I feel about losing weight now. I keep my food log, and I stay within my budget and the weight loss just happens. I don't have to think about it too much, I just make sure I am honest with myself about what I am putting in my body.
One of the most frequently asked questions I get from people about weight loss has to do with motivation. "What keeps you going?" I think this is the perfect time of year to talk about motivation, or lack of it. Lots of people make a New Year's resolution, to quit smoking, lose weight, or get more exercise, only to give it up after a few weeks of only giving it half the effort. For me, this WAS a daily struggle, it wasn't easy, I kept thinking, "well, I can do it tomorrow" but the next day would come and I would put it off again. Christmas 2009 I was sick of myself. I was exhausted from carrying around too much weight, and not eating right. I was depressed and my self esteem was next to nothing. I knew something had to change. December 28th, I started keeping a food log and I decided I was going to have to find a reason to keep going. I started a list. I like lists, written out documentation that you can check off as you accomplish something. This list included things that I was happy with, and things that made me sad. What I was proud of, and what I wanted to work on. The list of things I wanted to work on kept growing, and growing and I was feeling so overwhelmed that I decided, I will work on one thing everyday and I will win. Every little day I started looking for a little victory.
Here are just a few of the little victories....
Day 1, December 28th, I kept under budget and still got a glass of wine.
December 29th: I ran for the first time.
January 23rd: I lost my first 10lbs.
January 21st: my pants were falling off.
January 30th: I ran 20 minutes, 2 miles straight no walking.
Feb 15th: I was the same weight I was at my wedding.
March 5th,  I had to get some (extremely wrinkled) pants out of an old box because my pants are just falling off now.
March 26th, I finally got tired of my pants falling off and I got some old clothes out of the closet. (About 2 years before I had bought 10 pair of size 10 pants and i told myself they would fit by the end of the year, but they never did) . My kids got excited and helped me try on every pair. They were all BAGGY!!!!!!!!
April 8th: I had to get my rings resized.
April 24th: I have collar bones!
april 25th, my husband said, "Oh my goodness, you're tiny"
May 15th: caught my husband checking out my butt.
I will try to post a new little victory everyday.

here are my favorite little victories....

Size 42 to size 34. 

Size 16 pants to size 4

What is your little victory today?


step to the beat.

This afternoon I went for another run with Harley, my 2 year old Yorkshire Terrier. He is a spunky little dog, he loves to run and he is such a great motivator, I just say, "go, Harley, go" and he takes off like a rocket. While we were out running I used the playlist I had created for the Red Raider Road Race back in November. When I made that playlist, I had it set so most of the songs had a tempo that was exactly equal to one step per beat.... well today's little victory was that most of the songs were too slow!!! Thank you Harley for taking me for a drag. You are the best. Here are the stats from today's run. 4.89 miles, 1 hour, 6 minutes, 596 calories burned.

Here is a picture of me after the 10k Red Raider Road Race (that I made that playlist for) with my friend Mrs. Haukos. She is a teacher at my school and the person who convinced me that I could do a 10k race. She has been a great mentor to me this last semester, but she is moving to another state at the end of this semester which makes me a little sad, but I am sure it will be a great move for her.

What was your little victory today?


my weight loss story

  • If you would like to add me on the Loseit app my email is heatherdevoremusic (at)
  • Loseit is also available with out an iPhone on their website at
  • The makers of the Loseit! app released a book in December 2010. 

Day 1: size 16 pants, rings size 7.

178 pounds, this doesn't sound horrible until you realize that I am 5' tall, okay so maybe I'm 4' 11" but still, the point is that I am really short. I was miserable. I have made a habit of never making myself a priority. Something happened to me over the Christmas ’09 break, something snapped. One thing that I realized is that the first thing people tell me when they see me, the mom, is that my girls look exactly like me. This is all too true, but I was not happy looking at my self in the mirror and I didn't want them thinking that they were not beautiful in my eyes too. The other thing that I realized, I was not important to myself. I was not taking my own needs serious and I was not a priority. I had made many attempts at losing weight only to fall harder and more disappointed in myself. I was determined and just the Monday after Christmas I started keeping a food log again, but this time I had a new tool in my belt, science. In my studies I had read 2 formulas that made good sense to me.

the first was this, it takes 3500 calories to make one pound, gain or lose. In theory, you can divide that up over a 7 day period and lose 1 pound a week, or 1000 calories per day to lose 2 pounds a week. Everything I had heard and read told me 2 pounds a week average was safe and healthy weight loss.
The second formula was the Mifflin equation used to calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate: minimum number of calories your body needs to maintain your weight).

So I started day 1 of taking care of me by tracking my calories intake on an app I had found when I looked up more information on the mifflin equation. The LoseIt! app for the iPhone helps to calculate the Mifflin equation for you and is also a food log for tracking your caloric intake. With my calorie needs understood I went in search of a good running program and I found the couch to 5k program and decided this would be a good option for me.

Through the process of losing weight I have learned several tricks and tips that have helped me to stay on track but the mostly just keeping a food log on the LoseIt! App for iPhone has been the most important element. Keeping myself accountable for what I am putting into my body has been crucial to my success. I no longer feel guilty when I eat a piece of cake at a birthday party because I have learned to budget for such indulgences. I do not worry about going over my calorie budget because the budget actually calculates 2 pounds of loss per week for me. Even if I went over my budget by 500 calories per day that would just mean that I would lose 1 pound instead of 2, 1000 over my budget daily would mean maintaining my weight. I eat what I want within my budget and I am not ever hungry, bitter or resenting not eating something because it is not “diet food”.

I have learned to love myself and use food as a source of nutrition instead of comfort. I have changed my relationship with food and clothing and I no longer dread walking by mirrors and seeing my reflection staring back at me. I am a much happier person because I finally put myself back on my priority list and I think my family respects me for it. I had been so worried about everyone else in my life not having their needs met because I was so focused on what I needed but I am of no use to anyone when I am slowed down by my weight, my lack of energy and my self worth being so low. I have to keep myself in top shape to be able to do my job as a mother and wife.

I am a changed person. I have changed the way I think about myself, the way I love food and the way I think about exercise. If you want to know more about me and what I am doing, just ask. I will answer honestly and to the best of my ability. If you send me a friend request, please tell me about yourself and your goals. People send me messages all the time telling me that I have inspired them to get started but you have to be your own motivator daily to keep going. I look for little victories on a daily basis to help keep me going, and I suggest you do the same.

Now that you have read my story go write your own story!

Below are some of the highlights from my journey so far.

week number 1 01/01/10 175 -3
week number 2 01/08/10 175 -0
week number 3 01/15/10 170 -5
week number 4 01/22/10 168.5 -1.5
week number 5 01/29/10 168.5 -0

January 30th: 10lbs left behind

week number 6 02/05/10 165.5 -3

week number 7 02/12/10 162.5 -3
week number 8 02/19/10 161 -1.5
had to get my rings resized :)
week number 9 02/26/10 160 -1
end of the couch to 5k program

February 25th: 18 lbs left behind

week number 10 03/05/10 160.5 -0.5
week number 11 03/12/10 155.5 -5
week number 12 03/19/10 155 -0.5
This week I got hurt and stopped running
week number 13 03/26/10 153 -2

March 15th: 23 lbs left behind

week number 14 04/02/10 151.4 -1.6
week number 15 04/09/10 147 -4.4
week number 16 04/16/10 147 -0
week number 17 04/23/10 144.5 -2.5
week number 18 04/30/10 144.5 -0
Started the couch to 5k program a second time

week number 19 05/07/10 141 -3.5
week number 20 05/14/10 139.5 -1.5
week number 21 05/21/10 139.5 -0
week number 22 05/28/10 138.5 -1

May 26th: 39 lbs left behind

week number 23 06/04/10 138.5 -0
week number 24 06/11/10 139 +0.5
week number 25 06/18/10 137 -2
week number 27 06/25/10 136 -1

June 28th: 42 lbs left behind

Ran my first 5k with my dad on July 3rd, finished in 34:35

week number 28 07/02/10 136 -0
week number 29 07/09/10 135.5 -0.5
week number 30 07/16/10 135 -0.5
week number 31 07/23/10 134 -1
week number 32 07/30/10 134 -0

July 28th: 44 lbs left behind

week number 33 08/06/10 134 -0
week number 34 08/13/10 134.5 +0.5
week number 35 08/20/10 134.5 -0
week number 36 08/27/10 136.5 +2

August 31st: 42 lbs left behind

week number 37 09/03/10 134.5 -2
week number 38 09/10/10 133.5 -1
week number 39 09/17/10 132 -1.5
week number 40 09/24/10 134 +2

September 27th: 48lbs left behind

ran in the Race for the Cure, October 2nd, finished in 33 minutes

week number 41 10/01/10 130 -4
week number 42 10/08/10 130 -0
week number 43 10/15/10 130 -0
week number 44 10/22/10 133 +3
week number 45 10/29/10 131.5 -1.5

November 8th: 49 lbs left behind

ran my first 10k race, finished in 1 hour 7 minutes

week number 46 11/05/10 129 -2.5
week number 47 11/12/10 129 -0
week number 48 11/19/10 129.5 -0.5
week number 49 11/25/10 131 +1.5 Thanksgiving week

December 8th: 47lbs left behind

Week number 50 12/02/10 132 +1
week number 51 12/09/10 131.5 -.5
week number 52 12/16/10 131 -.5

January 11: 47lbs left behind

One year total loss: 47 lbs. 

All of my weightloss photos are here.