Monday, January 17, 2011

Pass it on!

Today was a school holiday so we went to a play date with our church group at McDonalds. I think I have made peace with my McDonalds hatred since I have stopped eating out at any restaurant. The conversations were great this morning. One of my friends has been a devoted Weight Watchers member but, after my testimony she has been using the LoseIt! app since Thanksgiving and she has lost 8 lbs. I am thrilled to hear success stories from my friends, but this definitely helped me to feel better about driving them all nuts with my talking about losing. I actually heard her say, "that food is too expensive" referring to the cost on her calorie budget. I love hearing other people say the same words I have thought before.

After the play date I took the girls to Toys R Us to spend their Christmas gift cards and while we were there I looked at the price of the Wii game, EA active 2.... $100!! The girls picked out their toys and we left to run one more errand before going home. Our next stop at Sam's I bought the game for $60 with free ankle weights... After lunch, we turned the game on and spent about an hour going through the first workout and adding a core workout. I was proud to see my daughters doing situps and getting excited about running with mommy.

Today my little victory is getting the people around me almost as excited as I am about taking control of our lives with healthy eating and exercise.

What is your little victory today?



  1. Have'nt tried the EA Active sports yet but that I think will be my next purchase! Its great they have games that burn calories and work for Mommy's and lil ones too! My kids got Dance Central for Christmas and they get red cheeks from playing and I'm glad to see them up and active. Its a great way for sure to enjoy time with the family as well as stay fit!

  2. Great blog Heather! At this week's weigh in I lost 7.4 pounds!! All I did was use Lose It! and stayed in my budget. I did a little bit of exercise but not that much. I really want to step it up in the exercise area this week. Thanks for continuing to share your story and all of your victories!
