Friday, January 28, 2011

Thursday night madness

Apparently I don't have time to update on Thursday nights so I won't worry too much about it, but here is my victory from Thursday....

unexpected questions.

Part of the application process for nursing school is asking five people to write a recommendation letter. I sent out all of my requests back in November and I got a message to come pick up the last one on Thursday. I went over to talk to my chemistry teacher and pick up the letter he had written for me and he said, "wow, you're losing weight aren't you?" I have talked with him about my weight loss before, but not in much detail. I have learned to answer questions quickly and not press too much for a response unless I am asked for more, but he confessed that he would like to lose some weight and wanted to know more about how to do it safely. I am always blown away when I have a teacher ask ME questions. You grow up thinking that teachers have all the answers, but teachers are just people. Wonderful people who specialize in what they are passionate about, but we all have room for improvement.

the more I learn about nutrition the more I want to learn and teach!

anyways, Hopefully I will have a big post tonight with big news!

What is your little victory today?


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