Monday, March 21, 2011


I get asked a lot about what inspired me to start this journey, my answer is usually the same: I wasn't healthy. Well today I went to the doctor again for a different kind of inspiration.

in·spi·ra·tion definition

Pronunciation:  /ˌin(t)-spə-ˈrā-shən, -(ˌ)spir-ˈā-/ 
Function: n 
 the drawing of air into the lungs

I have been having lots of trouble breathing for several months now, I thought I was developing asthma. The good news is the doctor does not think I have asthma, but what is even better, she wants me to keep running. She said running (and her suggestion of swimming) help increase lung capacity and will continue to benefit me in many ways. My symptoms seem to improve when I am running and she says that is a good sign. I am hoping my sister will want to start swimming with me when she moves back to Texas in May, (hint, hint Laura!) 

I actually had fun at the doctor's office. I've been going to this allergist for 8 years and she's in the same office as my daughters' pediatrician. She keeps telling me every time she sees me that I look fantastic, which is nice to hear from anyone but it's especially nice to have a doctor agree that you've made a positive change in your life. They don't have a digital scale, instead they have the kind you slide the weights on...

I hopped on the scale and (fully dressed with my running shoes on) I was 130lbs. I just had a thought as I was standing there on that scale, a year ago we would have started the weights at 150 and slid that small weight over quite a bit, but today I started the big weight at 100. It really is a small thing but a big victory.

When I got home I saw on facebook that the full plate diet has shared my story today. I've already had 150 views on here in just one hour, I can't believe it. So welcome full plate diet people! This week I will be posting a lot of recipes so check back often.

What questions do you have for me?
heatherdevoremusic (at)

What is your little victory today?



1 comment:

  1. Heather, thank you for your inspiration and all of your hard work to keep track of your success on this blog!
    You inspired me to get back on track today...
    Thank you!
